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        走進蘇地 Walking into Sudi




        ◆Gansu Sudi Fertilizer Co., Ltd. is located in Lanzhou high-tech Industrial Development Zone. Our company was registered on 2002 with registered capital of 20 million RMB, today we have became a strong and solid company. We primarily focus on agriculture, and we do it from here. Our company, a place where technological production, scientific research, agrochemical services and sustainability combine to produce specialty fertilizers, which help farmers to improve both quality and productivity of their cultivation.

        ◆Company scale 

        Our company has 150 employees which including 30 administrative staffs, 10 technical personnels, 20 marketing personnels and 90 production employees. The company has a solid technical force which is composed of scholars and agricultural experts from Gansu Provincial Agricultural Soil and Fertilizer Management Station, Gansu Provincial Agricultural Research Service, Gansu Agricultural University and Lanzhou University professional colleges.

        ◆Production scale

        Our company adopts technically advanced production line that 300,000 tons annual production of compound fertilizer, 200,000 tons bulk-blend fertilizer production line and 100,000 tons organic fertilizer production line. The series of ‘SUDI’ brand compound fertilizers, bulk-blend fertilizers, organic fertilizers and organic-inorganic compound fertilizers produced by our company sold well to 20 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions across China.

        甘肅復合肥 蘭州有機肥料 甘肅水溶肥 青海尿素 蘭州復混肥 甘肅復混肥料 蘭州摻混肥料 甘肅有機無機復混肥料 甘肅硫酸銨 青海生物有機肥


        聯系電話:177 9316 7951

        聯系電話:153 9313 1212 

        座    機:0931-5321504

        地    址:甘肅省蘭州市榆中縣定遠鎮定遠村中街68號

        CopyRight ? 版權所有: 甘肅蘇地肥業有限公司 網站地圖 XML 商情信息 備案號:隴ICP備16003775號-1

        本站關鍵字: 甘肅復混肥料 蘭州摻混肥料 甘肅有機肥料 甘肅有機無機復混肥料 蘭州硫酸銨 甘肅生物有機肥 青海有機肥料

        甘公網安備 62012302000103號


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